Friday, December 5, 2014

Open your eyes!

  Please open your eyes, these so-called protests are not spontaneous demonstrations as the lame-stream media has been showing the lemmings, sheeple, and obots. They are well planned disruptions from professional anti-establishment groups just using the deaths of 2 men as scapegoats. They are designed to create chaos. Hard-core, far left activists are using these situations and the media to create unrest among us. With the help of the media who are covering these professional agitators with such delirium that "people" believe these lies.
  You will not see many politicians try to downplay these racial lies. This is all part of a plan, or agenda to cause civil unrest. With the help of the media they are succeeding in doing just that. If the media would stop covering these radical agitators this would all just disappear just like many of the other "stories" in the past.
  Some of the instigators include; SEIU,, Hoodies for Justice, Communities United for Police Reform, and of course spooky dude himself, George Soros. Yes, he is financing most of these hardcore activists. He is, and is succeeding with the help of the media in tow in creating chaos across the nation. Remember these are professional protestors, not even people who live in these cities and all have specific roles and have been trained to "perform" as they are instructed.
  If we let them they will continue to "protest" as they call it. Stop watching this and the media will go away and so will they. Make them go away! We do not need them guiding us or convincing the masses that there is this "problem" amongst us. We know better!
  Our current so-called Pres. has succeeded in a race regression. We have gone backwards in racial relations since he was elected. We have regressed about 50 years in the short time he has been in office. He and all of his cronies have completely destroyed racial relations that previous administrations and the public have been working on for years.
  So, please don't let them win. Don't believe the lies spewing from the far-left, progressive, liberals mouths that they are trying to shove down our throats. They have the media in their back pockets thanks to George Soros and his never ending flow of cash and ownership of most of the media in this country. Remember...when you control the media you control the masses. That is what they are banking on. Lets prove them wrong, again.
  Open your eyes, and God Bless America.