Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Ayn Rand's and my philosophy on objectivism,
  Looters use the power of guilt and shame to obtain what they want from the producers of society. Those are their only tools. If the producers of society refuse to acknowledge any guilt in producing for themselves out of self-interest, the power of the looters is destroyed. This is a serious threat to looters (liberals) and they cannot  have a generation of guiltless producers reclaiming the power they should have always had.
  Capitalism is and essential component in society and people should have the right to be individuals and design their own "buildings", despite what other people may think of their ideas. To show how humans can live well among each other (by producing things of value, and then trading or selling them. To show us how humans can live poorly among each other by trying to control those who produce things of value; i.e. by making them "slaves".
  Slavery-even if it's only partial slavery-is not good for human beings to practice. It will not ever make us flourish to the point where we are truly happy.
  The success of individual effort verses the ultimate failure of forced collectivism. Otherwise, free enterprise versus socialism. Politically speaking, Ronald Reagan versus Barack Osamba!!!  God Bless America!!!