Sunday, December 8, 2013

American values

American values used to be the greatest unifier of our great country, language, history and religion. Now these values have been systematically destroyed by the left-wing progressive administration currently residing in the Whitehouse. We used to have a unique character and an unrivaled standing and were once the greatest country in the world. All of this because of our history and our Constituti...on. Both are at risk of vanishing due to the agenda of our so-called President. Americans need to return to our family values and remember our history and how we became a great nation. We cannot afford to lose what our forefathers fought so hard for and let our country slip into a dark abyss, which is where we are headed under the current administration. Remember what unites us as a nation. God Bless America

Freedom and our Rights

The battle will take place on November 4, Election Day 2014. Everything we've ever fought for, and the freedom we hope to pass on to our children will hinge on one single day in American history. If we can win this election we will be able to block the agendas of the current administration, and the final two years of the Obamba presidency. Our 2nd amendment rights, and our God given rights are in danger of completely disappearing. If Obamba gains the seats he needs to gain control of the U.S. House and Senate he will be able to rubber-stamp anything he wants. He already uses the IRS, the Justice Dept. and others to harass and intimidate gun owners to achieve his vision of a gun-free society. This has only happened in history with disastrous results from evil dictators who we all know. We also know he will then try to use the UN's new global gun-ban treaty to restrict more rights of American citizens. He will appoint anti-gun people to the federal bench with little or no opposition. We have one more final election battle against the Obamba machine. If he wins we lose and gun owners like you and me will be the biggest losers of all. He will go for  licensing, registration, fingerprinting, bans, rationing and more! This all depends on the outcome of a few congressional races next November. The bottom line is you and I face yet another battle for our future gun rights! If Osamba wins freedom loses, and we will be the biggest losers of all! We are facing the Osamba, Biden, Bloomberg gun-ban machine. Bloomberg is capable of spending (buying) Senate and House seats and he will spend up to $1 billion dollars to do so! Everything we have fought for and stood together now depends on the outcome of the upcoming election in November. I am counting on all of you to step up and do your civic duty and vote for our future generations freedom. We cannot let them win! We will not be silenced, we will not be intimidated! Thank you and God Bless America.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

CAIR & Muslim leaders and Shariah Law in US.

In Sept. muslim leaders met to discuss shariah law about allowing muslim women to be able to get a divorce from their abusive husbands. Don't we already have this system established in our current laws and court system? The answer is yes, but the muslims want to create an "new" court system allowing muslim women to be able to get a divorce. The alternative "according to shariah law is beatings or honor killings." Isma (a woman's right to an uncontested divorce) is not accepted in Islamic families. It is considered shameful and puts the man down even if he is abusive. Sounds about right for this dreadful "religion" which according to them shariah law trumps US state and federal law. You have to remember Islam allows for deception, which is how CAIR wishes to advance shariah in the US. This is another attempt to advance the caliphate. The director of CAIR Herman Mustafa Carroll has openly stated that "If we are practicing muslims, we are above the law of the land." Our own federal government has been infiltrated by muslim brotherhood members, starting with Obamba who has sought to advance the muslim agenda. The DOJ along with the FBI helped force a mosque to be built in Henrico County, Virginia. They also threaten non-muslims about speaking out against islam on social media. What happened to our First Amendment Rights? They are also trying to infiltrate Tea Party organizations through "stealth jihad" tactics. We all know that CAIR has been designated as a co-conspirator in funding the Palestine jihadist organization Hamas. Does any of this surprise you, probably not! I just wanted the word to get out about the subversive tactics of the current administration. We must stand up to the threat of islam and eradicate it from our country. Several states have implemented anti-shariah laws banning it from the state systems. They are N. Carolina, Arizona, Kansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, S. Dakota, and Tennessee. More states need to follow their lead. Some governors are blind to the threat of islam and veto such measures. We need to ban groups who want to impose shariah law. We must petition our elected officials at the state level and demand this stops now! We need to stop all persons coming from Islamic countries into the US. This should be of grave concern to all Americans.  Thank you and God Bless America.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

2nd Admendment Rights.

I hope you are ready for this one, our so-called President has declared that through his personal decree with yet another "executive order" that the federal law banning the CDC (that's right, the Center for Disease Control) from using tax payer's money to investigate gun control, can now use congressional funding to do "research" into gun control! The CDC was banned 17 years ago from doing this "junk-science" research. 
Congress found this "research" so dishonest in 1997 they passed a law prohibiting the funding of the CDC from any use to advocate or promote gun control.  This cannot be erased by an executive order but Osamba goes by "his rules". So here we go again, the blatant disregard of federal law or ignoring Congress or the courts has happened again. The new manifesto will be entitled, Priorities for Research to Reduce the Threat of Firearms-Related Violence. It will be produced by the National Academy of Sciences (for the CDC) and has been funded by the National Academy of Sciences, the CDC, the California Endowment, the Joyce Foundation, Kaiser Permanente, and one anonymous donor. Which is most likely Bloomberg or Soros!
Now comes the "kicker" from this massive conglomeration of federal tax dollars, hidden billionaire dollars, and gun-ban foundations comes the "new" approach to gun control...gun ownership is a "public health" disease! That's right guns are bad and have no benefits, guns and bullets are pathogens and need to be eradicated or at least severely restricted from the civilization population. The way they want to do this is by collecting information from law abiding citizens because we know no criminals will participating in such a program. Apparently gun violence is "contagious"! They want to "revolutionize the way we look at guns, like what they did with cigarettes!" This will come with a whole new host of gun control schemes, like the exact number and distribution of guns by private legal citizens. How the guns were acquired, information on the source of guns even if they were a gift from a relative. All this will be done under the ruse of "public health"! They also stated that the NRA is terrorizing the scientific community! The CDC wants to create a central database on the "scope and motivations for gun acquisition ownership and use and how they are distributed across subpopulations?" What the hell are subpopulations? This is another twisted, bogus scheme, another "angle" to attack our  2nd Amendment rights. Until the 16th of January 2013 the CDC obeyed the law but on that day Osamba put them back in the "junk science" business again. Damn Congress, Damn the Laws, and of course the lame-stream media immediately jumped on this issue calling gun violence "a serious public health issue." They also stated that "a broader public health perspective is imperative," and demanded, "continued development of gun violence preventive strategies." So soon expect to hear a whole lot of new terms like "intervention" and "intervention strategies." They plan on systematically building the case that owning firearms causes deaths. Guns are a public health menace. The end game here is for "the police, guards, and the military to be the only ones allowed to own guns!!! The outright prohibition of gun ownership!!! We all remember how well the last prohibition worked out! I am writing this just to warn people of what is to come in our future. Osamba has no regard for the Constitution, citizens rights, or the general public at all. He has his list of agenda's and will stop at nothing to achieve them. We must join together, join the NRA, let your voice be heard! We must not be silenced! Guns are not the problem, bad people and politicians are the problem! Thank you and God Bless America.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Our freedom

I am writing this because I believe the future of our constitutional republic hangs in the balance. Osamba and his corrupt Chicago pals and left-wing activists have expanded the size and overreach of the government. Nationalized our health care, failed to enforce our immigration laws, reduced our freedoms and burdened us with an enormous debt. They have done this under the cover of darkness, using any crisis as a tool to achieve their goals.  Showing all along contempt for our open records laws and Obamba's campaign pledge of "transparency." He is using the EPA, DHS, and other federal agencies to circumvent Congress and the American people. We must hold him accountable for all of the scandals he has covered up to conceal his radical agenda. Just look at some of the scandals from some of the people around him, Pelosi abusing the system to use military aircraft for personal use. Osamba and the DOJ abusing voter ID laws. He has gutted the enforcement of our laws against illegal immigration, appointed 'czars' to powerful government jobs, has ties to ACORN, the terrible backroom deals regarding Obambacare. Now the worst case of IRS abuse in modern history. So lets see, he is trying to grab as much power as possible, puts his socialist agenda above the law, mean while keeping the American people in the dark. Remember "transparency?" Let us not forget the deadly "Fast and Furious" gunrunning operation, the deadly "Benghazi" debacle. The collapse of Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac. Tarp bailouts, and all of the money dumped into failing "green" companies. The bailouts of Chevy and Chrysler which by the way neither have paid back the money they took from US, no matter what they have told (lied to) you. The American people and the families of the victims deserve to know the truth. There has been no fewer than 110 lawsuits filed to release the documents that "we the people" have a right to see, under our open records laws that the Osamba administration is stonewalling. Knowingly lying about the scandals at the time and still to this day! We must send a powerful signal of our personal commitment to the principle that "no one is above the law!" We all need each other to fight for the Constitution, and to hold Osamba and all of the other lawless politicians accountable to the rule of the law. Well there you have it...

Friday, September 6, 2013

Traitor or Terrorist John Kerry, you decide...

Here is some information about our Secretary of State. Kerry served only 4 months and 12 days in Vietnam, but was awarded 3 Purple Hearts, a Bronze and Silver Star. He was the only sailor to leave Vietnam without completing the standard 1 year tour of duty. How did he accomplish this in so short a period of time? His first Purple Heart was achieved when he received a scratch on his arm after he and his men wiped out a bunch of unarmed fishermen. He got his Silver Star after he shot and killed a wounded Viet Cong (or VC as they were called) who had just shot a RPG at his boat and missed so they wounded him with the 50 caliber machine guns on the boat. As the wounded VC was lying on the ground Kerry jumped off the boat (which was a direct violation of procedure) and shot the wounded VC. His story was much different than that of the other soldiers there that day. According to Kerry the wounded VC was running away with the RPG and turned to fire upon the boat. How many people do you know who run after being shot in the legs by a 50 cal. machine gun, none. The other soldiers reported that the wounded VC did not have a chance to reload the RPG. So even if he was able to stand, and aim the RPG at them it was empty. All of his military records, fitness reports, and medical records have been sealed or are missing, sound familiar? His second Purple Heart was the result of his own negligence, not enemy fire, and Kerry went to unusual lengths to obtain the award after being turned down by his own commanding officer. The Bronze Star and his 3rd. Purple Heart were awarded to him after he pulled a lieutenant out of the water and when the wake hit his boat it slammed him against the bulkhead bruising his arm. This was classified as an injury and allowed him to request to be transferred out of Vietnam. Kerry showed no remorse for the "accidents of war" as he called them like ordering his men to "destroy all hooches (huts) and sampans (wooden boats) we can find". He actually called killing whole villages of men, women and children, "accidental atrocities." Kerry once used an old man as a human mine sweep, making him walk in front of his troops to check for mines. When no mines were found they slit his throat, disemboweled him and left a warning note on his body. He also would open fire on any sampan on the rivers and count the killed as VC  kills even if they were women and infants carrying bags of rice. In fact the worst injury he received was when one of his men threw a grenade into a hooch they thought was occupied and the explosion (in a hut full of bags of rice) caused hot grains of rice to imbed in his ass. His OIC (officer in charge) reports that he "had a lot of trouble getting Kerry to follow orders," and that those who worked with Kerry found him "oriented towards his personal, rather than unit goals and objectives." He therefore requested that Kerry be removed from his boat group. Kerry never missed a day of duty for any of the medal-earning wounds. While other members of our armed forces had serious injuries including lost limbs he used the 3 injury loophole to leave Vietnam. Is this the kind of person we want as our Secretary of State? No wonder he wants to send terrorists weapons he has no soul. Kerry, even in his later career as a self-promoting star of the antiwar movement, ever went beyond generalized verbiage about accidents of war, even as many vets were baring their souls about the horrors they had perpetrated. Yes, this is the same Kerry who, in 2004 during the height of the Sunni uprising, called for 40,000 more US troops to deployed to Iraq. You decide...

Friday, August 9, 2013


Where have all our heroes gone? The libtards, progressives, and obots believe that everything should be gray, everything is relative, all on the same plane. No one person stands out above the other person. We are all the same and no one aspires to greatness. This is what is wrong with todays culture. There is black and white, good and evil, and light and dark, and this is why we need heroes. Heroes used to posses a certain character that made the world a better place. Remember when we used to listen to stories about our ancestors who crossed the Atlantic, over came hardships, suffered through diseases. We used to read books about the Great Depression, crossing the plains and mountains to reach the West. This fueled our hunger for tales of daring and fearlessness. These things made us want to aspire to be more than "average" and for all the right reasons. These "heroes" brought us courage and boldness and a sense of determination to overcome obstacles. They gave us cleverness, inventiveness, and a belief in oneself. They gave us a positive outlook on life and all of the things that are wrong with todays culture. Recently a survey was done on some of the American youth, only half could name a personal hero. The other half named an athlete, movie star, or a musician. How sad is that? How could we let this happen, well it has been going on for years. The media and the progressive movement affecting both schools and the mind-set of our youth. They have demonized individuality and changed the image of what a hero really is. Today our youth see scandals in sports and in our government at the highest levels, so what are they supposed to think when no one is held accountable for their actions. The media and the current administration seek to tarnish anyone who reaches for a higher rung on the ladder of life. This is where we have failed, we should be encouraging them to become heroes, to be role models and strive to be more successful. Don't become just another player on the "team" use your imagination, use the stories of our grandparents, groundbreakers, and become a hero. Teach them to reach for the stars. Teach them to become leaders. Dare them to be a Joan of Arc, a Gandhi, or a Lincoln. As it says in 1 Corinthians 16:13...Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. God Bless America. We need more "Heroes".

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Osamba out golfing

Sixteen senior officials participated in a meeting to discuss what is going on with our embassies, according to the White House. Among them were National Security Advisor Susan Rice, who chaired the session, Secretary of State John Kerry, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Martin Dempsey, White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, and Assistant to the Presiden...t for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Lisa Monaco, and Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano. And where was Osamba? At Camp David celebrating his birthday with friends. Why Obama wouldn’t have wanted to directly participate in such a vital discussion is beyond me! Oh wait he needed to play golf (his 23rd round this year, and 134th of his so-called presidency. but who's counting?) with his buddies and then heli off to party with more of his friends. We have a right to know what this means to us here in the US. Obamba said nothing Friday and White House Press Secretary Jay Carney (professional liar) didn’t even brief. So much for transparency!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Fast and Furious

It has been over a year since the DOJ has replied to requests from Congress and several other news media outlets for answers about Fast/Furious. At the beginning of July a Mexican Police Chief was killed by cartels using guns from this botched operation. Police Chief Luis Astorga and his body guard were both killed, and you heard nothing from the lame-stream media. Crimes on both sides of the border have been committed with guns Holder and the DOJ let walk into the hands of known criminals. Many violent crimes, including the murder of a Mexican beauty queen who was used as a human shield. Such actions do little to promote trust between the DOJ  and Congress and the American people. This is just further evidence that the DOJ is actively trying to conceal all information pertaining to F&F. Holder has an obligation to inform Congress and the American people, but unless pressure is put on him nothing will happen. How many more people must die before someone is held accountable for this failed operation?

Thursday, June 13, 2013

In memory...

Thanking God that we have the opportunity to be redeemed through Jesus Christ to be able to be reunited with loved ones who have gone before us. Knowing that God keeps his promises gives me peace knowing that we will spend eternity with our Savior and the souls we loved so much in this temporary world. With that being said, no one knows when our time is up so ask yourself this.. if your life were... to be taken today.. Where would you spend eternity? Make sure you know where your going because giving your loved ones peace and hope is by knowing you are in heaven and by them living a Godly life will assure them that you will be reunited again.   Praise God!

Sunday, April 7, 2013


In the case of Leftists, if you point out that socialism doesn't work any better in Wisconsin or Ohio than it did in the Soviet Union or does in Greece, they argue that it simply has never been done correctly. In the wake of such bloody failures as China, Nazi Germany, Cambodia, Cuba, Venezuela and North Korea, only a certifiable lunatic would even consider defending socialism on such shaky ground
. However, when it comes to unequivocal devotion to failed attempts at social engineering, those on the Left could give collies and cocker spaniels lessons in blind loyalty. If I haven't yet convinced you that those who inhabit the ranks of the Left are dangerously self-righteous and unbelievably stupid, consider that they not only elected Barney Frank to Congress, but then kept doing it 15 more times. Consider, too, that they hold Jimmy Carter, Michael Moore and Michael Bloomberg, and Rom Emanuel in high regard. Finally, Barack Obamba, after once acknowledging that America was the greatest nation on the face of the earth -- no doubt with his fingers crossed behind his back -- went on to announce that, as president, he intended to radically transform it! So far he has done a great job don't you think. Time for a change in leadership!