Saturday, December 26, 2015

America 2016...

We have a federal government that acts outside of its constitutional boundaries, we know that they are doing more for the sheeples than is consistent with the principles of liberty and limited government.
  The Tenth Amendment states:
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
  James Madison, explained it in The Federalist No. 45:
"The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite."
  Our current administration does not understand these principles at all. America was built on this idea, and that is what makes us unique from all other countries.
  The Declaration of Independence states:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are, Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
  How many in Congress do you think have actually read the Declaration of Independence? How many understand it?
  Our main grievance with the King of England which lead to our independence was the fact that "he had erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people."
Doesn't this sound like our current government? Obamba has said that he thinks the Constitution "is deeply flawed." He has also made it clear that he does not favor limited government or "enumerated powers," and he wants to "break free" from the restraints the  Constitution places on government powers.
  If we keep traveling down this "Road to Serfdom"  that he has directed us during his tenure as so-called Pres. then the era of American freedom and prosperity may be lost forever. We may be past the point of no return.
  America is different than all other countries in the world because it was founded on a belief in God-given natural rights, including the principles of freedom and equality. If we lose these rights our country as we know it will cease to exist.
  The coming election is huge in this respect. We must all band together as a nation and elect a person who believes in these principles. This will require an enormous effort by all those who believe in America's heritage of liberty. The year 2016 is a critical year for America make sure you do your part.
  Thank you and God Bless America.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

The other danger of illegal immigration!!!

Welcome Mr. and Mrs. tuberculosis, malaria, leprosy, west nile virus, dengue fever, typhoid fever, hantavirus, lyme disease, bubonic plague, measles, mumps. These are but a few of the "gifts" Osamba is allowing into our country.
 Political correctness can be deadly. Especially when it comes to Third World diseases slipping through and around America's borders.
 A number of diseases once thought to be unknown or eradicated in the U.S. are becoming prevalent again. I'm talking about rare and deadly diseases like tuberculosis, malaria, and leprosy.
 We're also beginning to see outbreaks of diseases common in Third World countries, but never before seen here – diseases like West Nile Virus and Dengue Fever.
  Illegal immigrants  bring these diseases into the country. Illegal immigrants obviously don't undergo an initial health screening required of permanent residents who are entering the country legally.
 In fact, many cross the border because they are ill, so they can latch onto free healthcare services. Once here, illegal immigrants may pass on these deadly diseases to people they work with, healthcare workers, and lawful citizens.
  So thanks to our current administration we are now allowing illegal immigrants to bring all of these diseases that were once eradicated back into the limelight.
 No health screenings, No background checks, No papers, just ship them in and drop them off in cities around the country.
 Who do you think is footing the bill for all of this??? Yes, its you and I, Mr. and Mrs. American citizen once again!!! Not to mention the far reaching effects of the diseases being spread among us.
 I have said many times Osamba will undoubtedly be remembered in history as the worst Pres. in modern American history. Thanks to all of the sheeples, obots, and lemmings who voted for this socialist ass we now have residing in OUR Whitehouse.
 Please pray for our country, God Bless America.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Its Midnight

It's midnight in America.

  We have a (so-called) President who has deliberately lost 2 wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, betrayed the men and women in our military who sacrificed their lives there for what they thought was the cause of liberty and national security. We have a (so-called)  President and then Sec. of State Killary Clinton who allowed terrorists to kill our Ambassador and 3 heroes who tried to save him; then deceived the American people with a campaign of lies. Then lied right to the faces of the parents of those killed in Benghazi. Osamba has made America a laughing stock, through his cowardly dealings with Russia; who has diminished our ties to our allies in Israel while enabling the Iranians to acquire nuclear weapons; who has sold out to Cuba, and who has made the world a far more dangerous place - for our country and its citizens - than it was when he came into office.
  Osamba has also directed the IRS to use the taxing power of the state to crush his conservative opposition and remove the resistance to his plans for a one-party socialist state. We cannot survive another 4 year epidemic of lies and hypocrisy and attacks on our Constitution. If Killary Clinton or another libtard wins next year, our country will be changed forever and we'll never get it back. Osamba won't face the voters again , but he is determined to extend the reach of his far-left agenda well past the life of his administration.

   Osamba, by not securing the border hopes to recruit new legal and illegal voters by granting amnesty to millions of illegal aliens. He knew that by granting amnesty it would cause a border crisis. So now he is essentially aiding and abetting human trafficking, drug dealers, murderers, rapists, and terrorists to be planted all over the country. This is overwhelming our hospitals, schools, and economy and putting the health, safety, and national security of Americans at risk. This is not what you will hear from the lame-stream media. All you will hear from them is that the desperate and poor people need our help. At what cost to us? There is a LEGAL way to come to America, millions of people have done it. This is a man-made illegal immigration disaster, and its about one thing...VOTES. The left hopes that if they groom the illegal immigrants they will help them win power now and for generations to come.

  And, in election after election, how do conservatives sadly refer to Obamba and his radical supporters? As "liberals." The Demoncrats are calling us, racists, sexists, homophobes, uncaring and bigoted. And we call them "liberals." If you call the intolerant, anti-American, bigoted, hate-mongers, race-baiters "liberals," you have lost. But that is what conservatives and Republicans are doing day after day. Everyone has a game plan until you punch them in the mouth. That is what we need to do to the Demoncrat, Libtard, Progressive, Left-wingers. We need to punch libtards in their mouths every time they open them. To rub the plight of their victims in their faces. Go for the jugular and always remember that the political war we are fighting is about hearts as well as minds. We need to tell the truth and make sure that the truth hurts. Since Osamba took office, the poor are worse off, minorities are worse off, the country is more racially divided, and in worse economic condition and the world is a more dangerous place for all Americans. We need to turn the libtard's guns around by rubbing the sufferings of their victims - the poor and the minorities whose savior they pretend to be - in their faces. Every inner city in America is 100% controlled by Demoncrats and libtards, and has been for 50-100 years. Everything that policy can affect in the inner city - schools, jobs, and public safety - Demoncrats and progressives are 100% responsible for. Demoncrats and progressives are crushing the opportunities for millions of poor black and Hispanic children, and have been for nearly 100 years. Republicans and conservatives have let leftwing radical Demoncrats get away with what are nothing less than human rights crimes committed against the least powerful among us. They allow the perpetrators of these crimes to continue to call themselves "liberals" and to avoid paying the political price that should rightfully bankrupt their malicious cause.

  The midnight hour approaches and unless we band together we will lose again. We cannot afford to allow the libtards, and the lame-stream media to alter the course of our nation. Remember " control the media, control the masses." We must stand together to save our nation as we know it. A rich prosperous country where Americans are proud and productive citizens. Your full support is vital. Do your research, speak out, it is up to us to save our nation!!! God Bless America. Pray for our Country. Thank you for your support.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Our 2nd Admendment Rights

The gun control advocates believe that universal background checks are the "foundation" of all other existing laws. They need that "foundation" so the rest of their schemes will work. They can't confiscate guns unless they know who has them. Michael Bloomberg with the help of a lot of super rich left-wing fanatics have started a new war on guns based on the domino effect, essentially going state by state trying to destroy the American tradition of private commerce that has been around since our nation was founded.
  They have started in Washington state with help from Bloomberg, Microsoft founder Bill Gates, LA Clippers owner Steve Balimer, Seattle Seahawks owner Paul Allen, Nick Hanauer Amazon investor, together they have come up with over 3.5 million dollars to "shape public policy".  This was just in Washington state. They have their sights set on at least 12 other states including, Nevada, Maine, Arizona, and Oregon.  Former Facebook Pres. donated $250,000 in Nevada for gun control. Casino billionaire Elaine Wynn (Wynn Resorts) chairs the Nevadans for Background Checks.
  After they were defeated in Congress they have left D.C. and headed to other states to spew the lies and make honest gun owners the criminals. This has nothing to do with violent crime as they say but everything to do with government control over individual citizens' rights and freedom. Preserving the lie of gun control is more important than protecting the public from violent criminals in our cities.
  The left-wing gun control advocates are seeding a cancer on our liberty. They are calling their victories a "first step". This is a strategic shift using billionaires money along with the lame-stream media to saturate the airwaves with lies. They are placing paid staff around the country and forming groups to "take matters into their own hands".
  Don't be complacent because you think your safe because they are not in your state yet. They are spreading like a virus among us. Their goal is to liquidate our civil rights wherever we live using every tool at their disposal.
  There is only one way to counter the assault on our rights. The Power of the People, the power of individual citizens, real Americans like us who will not stand by and watch our rights be destroyed by a bunch of lying billionaires. This is an assault on our liberty and we will not stand by and let them steal our freedom.
  Spread the word to every like-minded friend. We can win and we will win and prove that money and lies cannot steal our rights as American citizens. We must stand together and show Bloomberg and his billionaire friends that Americans united by a common goal and armed with the truth will not go down without a fight.
  Keep an eye on the ballot measures in your state. Watch out for people gathering signatures. Watch for "ballot iniatives" that allow national organizations who "represent" the voters. They have a certain amount of time to gather signatures then a provision is included as a proposal on the ballot. The signatures must be authentic and must be from registered voters. Then the bill automatically goes on the ballot. This is how they achieve their goals right under our eyes. You must be vigilante and aware of the proposals that are being advanced by this method. Each state has their own rules, so don't be so quick to sign on the dotted line.
  The next 18 months are a crucial time in American history as we face attacks from all sides including the current administration. We the American People must stand together. Pray for America.
  God Bless America.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Ayn Rand's and my philosophy on objectivism,
  Looters use the power of guilt and shame to obtain what they want from the producers of society. Those are their only tools. If the producers of society refuse to acknowledge any guilt in producing for themselves out of self-interest, the power of the looters is destroyed. This is a serious threat to looters (liberals) and they cannot  have a generation of guiltless producers reclaiming the power they should have always had.
  Capitalism is and essential component in society and people should have the right to be individuals and design their own "buildings", despite what other people may think of their ideas. To show how humans can live well among each other (by producing things of value, and then trading or selling them. To show us how humans can live poorly among each other by trying to control those who produce things of value; i.e. by making them "slaves".
  Slavery-even if it's only partial slavery-is not good for human beings to practice. It will not ever make us flourish to the point where we are truly happy.
  The success of individual effort verses the ultimate failure of forced collectivism. Otherwise, free enterprise versus socialism. Politically speaking, Ronald Reagan versus Barack Osamba!!!  God Bless America!!!