The gun control advocates believe that universal background checks are the "foundation" of all other existing laws. They need that "foundation" so the rest of their schemes will work. They can't confiscate guns unless they know who has them. Michael Bloomberg with the help of a lot of super rich left-wing fanatics have started a new war on guns based on the domino effect, essentially going state by state trying to destroy the American tradition of private commerce that has been around since our nation was founded.
They have started in Washington state with help from Bloomberg, Microsoft founder Bill Gates, LA Clippers owner Steve Balimer, Seattle Seahawks owner Paul Allen, Nick Hanauer Amazon investor, together they have come up with over 3.5 million dollars to "shape public policy". This was just in Washington state. They have their sights set on at least 12 other states including, Nevada, Maine, Arizona, and Oregon. Former Facebook Pres. donated $250,000 in Nevada for gun control. Casino billionaire Elaine Wynn (Wynn Resorts) chairs the Nevadans for Background Checks.
After they were defeated in Congress they have left D.C. and headed to other states to spew the lies and make honest gun owners the criminals. This has nothing to do with violent crime as they say but everything to do with government control over individual citizens' rights and freedom. Preserving the lie of gun control is more important than protecting the public from violent criminals in our cities.
The left-wing gun control advocates are seeding a cancer on our liberty. They are calling their victories a "first step". This is a strategic shift using billionaires money along with the lame-stream media to saturate the airwaves with lies. They are placing paid staff around the country and forming groups to "take matters into their own hands".
Don't be complacent because you think your safe because they are not in your state yet. They are spreading like a virus among us. Their goal is to liquidate our civil rights wherever we live using every tool at their disposal.
There is only one way to counter the assault on our rights. The Power of the People, the power of individual citizens, real Americans like us who will not stand by and watch our rights be destroyed by a bunch of lying billionaires. This is an assault on our liberty and we will not stand by and let them steal our freedom.
Spread the word to every like-minded friend. We can win and we will win and prove that money and lies cannot steal our rights as American citizens. We must stand together and show Bloomberg and his billionaire friends that Americans united by a common goal and armed with the truth will not go down without a fight.
Keep an eye on the ballot measures in your state. Watch out for people gathering signatures. Watch for "ballot iniatives" that allow national organizations who "represent" the voters. They have a certain amount of time to gather signatures then a provision is included as a proposal on the ballot. The signatures must be authentic and must be from registered voters. Then the bill automatically goes on the ballot. This is how they achieve their goals right under our eyes. You must be vigilante and aware of the proposals that are being advanced by this method. Each state has their own rules, so don't be so quick to sign on the dotted line.
The next 18 months are a crucial time in American history as we face attacks from all sides including the current administration. We the American People must stand together. Pray for America.
God Bless America.