Thursday, September 13, 2012

white house czars

White House Czars: When Obamba first entered office, his use of so-called “czars” came under fire. Their activities are among the most protected elements within the administration. We should be appalled by the number appointed by the president or his administration, the current count is 45.
Obamba’s unprecedented appointment and use of unconfirmed and unaccountable policy advisors or “czars” thro...
ughout his administration is unconstitutional. Presidents typically have advisors with whom they can discuss and devise policy initiatives. In recent years, however, presidential advisors have taken on powerful new roles in the government without undergoing the process of Senate confirmation. These czars, many working in the White House, are being given unprecedented authority over major aspects of government policy. Obamba has appointed a number of controversial persons to czar posts, a few of whom have subsequently resigned. Others remain, despite controversy.
Their activities and their exact roles are secretive in nature.
So when he leaves they need to go also!!! C'mon November!

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