Thursday, November 14, 2013

CAIR & Muslim leaders and Shariah Law in US.

In Sept. muslim leaders met to discuss shariah law about allowing muslim women to be able to get a divorce from their abusive husbands. Don't we already have this system established in our current laws and court system? The answer is yes, but the muslims want to create an "new" court system allowing muslim women to be able to get a divorce. The alternative "according to shariah law is beatings or honor killings." Isma (a woman's right to an uncontested divorce) is not accepted in Islamic families. It is considered shameful and puts the man down even if he is abusive. Sounds about right for this dreadful "religion" which according to them shariah law trumps US state and federal law. You have to remember Islam allows for deception, which is how CAIR wishes to advance shariah in the US. This is another attempt to advance the caliphate. The director of CAIR Herman Mustafa Carroll has openly stated that "If we are practicing muslims, we are above the law of the land." Our own federal government has been infiltrated by muslim brotherhood members, starting with Obamba who has sought to advance the muslim agenda. The DOJ along with the FBI helped force a mosque to be built in Henrico County, Virginia. They also threaten non-muslims about speaking out against islam on social media. What happened to our First Amendment Rights? They are also trying to infiltrate Tea Party organizations through "stealth jihad" tactics. We all know that CAIR has been designated as a co-conspirator in funding the Palestine jihadist organization Hamas. Does any of this surprise you, probably not! I just wanted the word to get out about the subversive tactics of the current administration. We must stand up to the threat of islam and eradicate it from our country. Several states have implemented anti-shariah laws banning it from the state systems. They are N. Carolina, Arizona, Kansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, S. Dakota, and Tennessee. More states need to follow their lead. Some governors are blind to the threat of islam and veto such measures. We need to ban groups who want to impose shariah law. We must petition our elected officials at the state level and demand this stops now! We need to stop all persons coming from Islamic countries into the US. This should be of grave concern to all Americans.  Thank you and God Bless America.

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