Friday, January 20, 2012

gun control

I am really surprised that more people cannot see through the ultimate goal behind "gun control". The intent of a large faction of our Federal government is to assure that the government cannot be resisted when they attempt to concentrate power to an elitist group of government leaders, to concentrate the wealth and ultimate control within this group. No more middle class...There will be an elite of "supreme leaders"... and then everyone else. Economic collapse, total government control over all citizens and every aspect of their lives, government possession of personal demographic data on every citizen including where they live, what they do, their bank account numbers, and every phone call and email they send (including what they say), control over access to medical treatment including which treatment and who gets treated, the food you are allowed to eat, the cars you are permitted to drive, the amount of your paychecks they can take in the form of taxes and penalties, etc. SOUND FAMILIAR? When citizens are stripped of their right to bear arms, then they cannot resist a mass declaration of martial law and hoardes of people forced into "camps" (see the FEMA camps that are already being constructed in increasing numbers). I have a CHL. The government will NEVER confiscate my weapons. You better watch these Socialist bastards very closely. If we do not have weapons, we cannot resist their ultimate goal of stripping all of our individual liberties. These folks really believe that they are smarter and more powerful than everyone else, and that they know what is best for all of us "mindless sheep" Believe otherwise, at your own peril. (borrowed from a friend) but true!

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